CP3-llbb Framework
This is the complete list of members for Catch::ResultBuilder, including all inherited members.
allowThrows() const (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
build() const (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
captureExpectedException(std::string const &expectedMessage) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
captureExpectedException(Matchers::Impl::Matcher< std::string > const &matcher) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
captureExpression() (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
captureResult(ResultWas::OfType resultType) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
endExpression() (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
handleResult(AssertionResult const &result) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
operator&&(RhsT const &) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
operator<<(T const &value) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | inline |
operator<=(T const &operand) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | inline |
operator<=(bool value) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | inline |
operator||(RhsT const &) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
react() (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
reconstructExpression() const (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
ResultBuilder(char const *macroName, SourceLineInfo const &lineInfo, char const *capturedExpression, ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition, char const *secondArg="") (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
setLhs(std::string const &lhs) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
setOp(std::string const &op) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
setResultType(ResultWas::OfType result) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
setResultType(bool result) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
setRhs(std::string const &rhs) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
shouldDebugBreak() const (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder | |
useActiveException(ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition=ResultDisposition::Normal) (defined in Catch::ResultBuilder) | Catch::ResultBuilder |