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plotIt is a utility to plot ROOT histogram stacks. The input files corresponding to the different contributions and the histograms to fit are configured through a yaml file.

First time setup instructions

git clone -o upstream # inside $CMSSW_BASE/src/cp3_llbb
cd plotIt/

# Initialize the git remotes
# Within-CMSSW and on ingrid specific install
cms_env # specific to ingrid, aka 'module purge; module load grid/grid_environment_sl6; module load crab/crab3; module load cms/cmssw;'
# For a non-CMSSW and non-ingrid install (beware there is no cmsenv at all in this case):
# source

# Build externals
cd external
# Build the executable itself
cd ..
make -j 4

Outside CMSSW and with a recent version of ROOT, plotIt can als be built with CMake (and an install prefix passed with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, or the exectuble copied from the build directory to install), e.g.

git clone -o upstream
mkdir plotit-build
cd plotit-build
cmake ../plotIt
make -j2
cd -

Test run (command line)

# Load the proper environment (if not already done)
# Create some dumb root files to play with
cd test
root -l -b -q generate_files.C
# Now plot stuff
./../plotIt -o plots/ example.yml
# Go to the plots directory to observe the beautiful plots

Optional command-line arguments

The command above is the minimal way to run plotIt: with a configuration file and output directory. There are also a number of optional arguments that change the behaviour:

  • -h: print help for the command-line interface and exit
  • -v: verbose output, will print more progress messages, a summary, and the LaTeX yields table (if -y is also specified) to stdout
  • -b: print systematics details for each MC process in the summary
  • -o: output directory
  • -i: input directory (file names are taken relative to this directory, default is the current directory)
  • -y: produce a yields table (written to <output>/yields.tex)
  • -p: do not produce the plots
  • --ignore-scales: ignore (global and per-file) scale parameters for the normalisation
  • -e: pass one era to make plots for (otherwise combined plots, summing over all eras specified in the configuration, are made)
  • -u: unblind, i.e. ignore any blinded-range in the configuration

Configuration file reference

  • Points and Ranges are lists of two numbers: [x,y]
  • Positions are lists of four numbers: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
  • Some strings are formatted using boost::format. Arguments passed to the formatting are described below.
  • Strings used for labels, axis titles, legends, ... can use TLatex
  • Line styles and widths, fill styles and marker styles are numbers, see the corresponding TAtt... class references or the lists below for some common values
  • Colors are either basic ROOT colors (ie 42) or hexadecimal (alpha)RGB (ie #FFFFCC)

plotIt general ('configuration')

Field Type Action Default
width number Width (in pixels) of the plots 800
height number Height (in pixels) of the plots 800
experiment string Name of the experiment, appearing in bold above the plot CMS
extra-label string Additional text above the plot
root string Path to the folder where the files are located ./
scale number Global scaling of all non-data entries 1
eras list of strings List of data-taking periods to combine [""]
luminosity number or map Integrated luminosity (in pb) used to normalise MC to data. Used by the luminosity label. When using eras: map of { era : luminosity }
luminosity-error number Fractional uncertainty on the integrated luminosity. Used for the yields table (uncertainty on MC and data/MC ratio) and the plot's MC & ratio syst. error bands. 0
luminosity-label string Luminosity label appearing above the plot. In the string, %lumi% gets replaced by the integrated luminosity in fb.
error-fill-color color 42
error-fill-style fill style 3154
fit-line-color color 46
fit-line-style line style 1
fit-line-width line width 1
fit-error-fill-color color 42
fit-error-fill-style fill style 1001
fit-n-points number 1000
ratio-fit-line-color color 46
ratio-fit-line-style line style 1
ratio-fit-line-width line width 1
ratio-fit-error-fill-color color 42
ratio-fit-error-fill-style fill style 1001
ratio-fit-n-points number 1000
blinded-range-fill-color color 42
blinded-range-fill-style fill style 1001
y-axis-format formatted string Arg. 1: plot's y-axis title; Arg. 2: plot's first bin's width %1% / %2$.2f
ratio-y-axis string Y axis title of the ratio plot Data / MC
ratio-style string Draw option for the ratio histogram P0
mode string tree (fill TH1s from a tree on-the-fly) or hist (retrieve TH1s from files) hist
tree-name string Name of the TTree used to fill the histograms in tree mode
labels Label Extra labels' configurations (see below).
show-overflow bool Show under- and overflow false
errors-type string normal (ie. sqrt(N)), poisson (68% Poisson interval) or poisson2 poisson
yields-table-stretch number Stretch of LaTeX table produced 1.15
yields-table-align string Alignment of the LaTeX table. For now only h (processes horizontal, categories vertical) is supported. h
yields-table-text-align string l/r/c: alignment of text in the LaTeX table's entries. c
yields-table-numerical-precision-yields number Number of decimals used for the MC yields in the LaTeX table. 1
yields-table-numerical-precision-ratio number Number of decimals used for the data/MC ratio in the LaTeX table. 2
line-color color Default color of lines 1
line-type line style Default style (type) of lines 1
line-width number Default width of lines 1
book-keeping-file string If set, store all the produced plots into this file in addition to create graphic files none
x-axis-label-size number The size of the labels on the x-axis, in pixel 18
y-axis-label-size number The size of the labels on the y-axis, in pixel 18
x-axis-top-ticks bool Show ticks at the top of the frame True
y-axis-right-ticks bool Show ticks at the right of the frame True
transparent-background bool Transparent background for canvas and legend False

Plots configuration ('plots')

Field Type Action Default
exclude string Regexp allowing to exlude histograms present in the files whose name matches the plot's name
x-axis string x-axis title
y-axis string y-axis title Events
y-axis-format formatted string Overrides plotIt option.
normalized bool Normalize data/each signal/total MC to 1. false
no-data bool Do not plot data. false
override bool If any plot has this field set to true, only plots which do will be produced. false
log-y bool Log-scale on y-axis. Special value: Both. false
log-x bool Log-scale on x-axis. Special value: Both. false
save-extensions list of strings Write plot to file in each of this formats (supported by TCanvas::Print()) [pdf]
show-ratio bool Show ratio plot under main plot. false
fit bool Do a fit false
fit-function string Function used for the fit. gaus
fit-legend formatted string Fit results. Arg. i: fitted parameter i. #scale[1.6]{#splitline{#mu = %2$.3f}{#sigma = %3$.3f}}
fit-legend-position Point Position of the fit results [0.22, 0.87]
fit-range Range Restrict fit to this range
fit-ratio bool Fit the ratio plot false
ratio-fit-function string Function used for the ratio fit. pol1
ratio-fit-legend formatted string Ratio fit results. Arg. i: fitted parameter i.
ratio-fit-legend-position Point Position of the ratio fit results [0.20, 0.38]
ratio-fit-range Range Restrict ratio fit to this range
show-errors bool Show errors on data points. true
x-axis-range Range Range of x-axis. TH1's range
log-x-axis-range Range Range of x-axis to be applied only if the x axis is in log scale. Same as x-axis-range
y-axis-range Range Range of y-axis. Computed from each TH1's range
log-y-axis-range Range Range of y-axis to be applied only if the y axis is in log scale. Same as y-axis-range
ratio-y-axis-range Range Range of y-axis for ratio [0.5, 1.5]
blinded-range Range Blind a range of data in the plot. Note that the bins that include the values used to specify the range will be blinded, and that the left edge is included in a bin (so you may have to write 4.9999 to blind up to 5, itself excluded).
y-axis-show-zero bool Force y-axis range to go down to zero (might not be the case for flat distributions). false
inherits-from string TH1
rebin number Rebin: merge x bins into one 1
labels Label Extra labels' configurations (see below).
extra-label string
legend-position Position Overrides plotIt option.
legend-columns number Overrides plotIt option.
show-overflow bool Overrides plotIt option.
errors-type string Overrides plotIt option.
binning-x number
binning-y number
draw-string string In tree mode, formula used to fill the histogram
selection-string string In tree mode, formula used to select events when filling histogram
for-yields bool Plot defines an entry as a category in the LaTeX yields table. false
yields-title string Name of the category in the table. Must be valid LaTeX text string! plot's name
yields-table-order number Order of appearance of the category in the yields table (small=up). 0
vertical-lines Line Draw vertical lines on the plot Empty
horizontal-lines Line Draw horizontal lines on the plot Empty
lines Line Draw arbitrary lines on the plot Empty
rename List of renaming operations Apply a set of renaming operations to the output filename
sort-by-yields bool If true, histograms inside a given stack are sorted by yields, the smallest one at the bottom of the stack. This is the default behavior. Set to false to disable. true
x-axis-label-size number The size of the labels on the x-axis, in pixel Value of x-axis-label-size of the main configuration
y-axis-label-size number The size of the labels on the y-axis, in pixel Value of y-axis-label-size of the main configuration
x-axis-hide-ticks bool Hide ticks on the x axis False
y-axis-hide-ticks bool Hide ticks on the y axis False
ratio-y-axis string Y axis title of the ratio plot Value of ratio-y-axis of the main configuration

Files configuration ('files')

Each MC contribution is scaled by plotIt.scale*<luminosity>*scale*cross-section*branching-ratio/generated-events, where <luminosity> is the luminosity for the era of the file, or the total luminosity if no era is specified.

Field Type Action Default
type string data, mc (all MC are stacked based on their stack-index) or signal (not stacked) mc
scale number Scale this contribution 1
cross-section number Cross-section of the process 1
branching-ratio number Branching ratio of the process 1
generated-events number Careful! Sum of generated event weights! Can be different from the number of generated events. 1
era string era (used to select the corresponding integrated luminosity value for normalisation of MC, when using eras)
order number Order in which the histograms are stacked (concerns MC only). Small=low.
legend string Name of the file in the legend, unless group is defined .
group Group Refers to a legend group (see below)
yields-group string Used to group contributions in the LaTeX yields table (does't use a "group" node such as the legend groups). In this order, defaults to group, legend or the file's name.
systematics Systematics Set of systematics nodes, as defined below.
drawing-options string Possibility to override TH1::Draw() option. hist for signals and MC, P for data.
fill-color color For this and the following: -1 means that the quantity is not set. MC: 1, else: -1
fill-type fill style MC: 1001 , signal: 0, else: -1
line-color color MC: -1, else: 1
line-type line style signal: 2, else: -1
line-width line width MC: 0, else: 1
marker-color color MC & signal: -1, else: 1
marker-type marker style MC & signal: -1, else: 20
marker-size number MC & signal: -1, else: 1
stack-index number Only MC files with the same stack-index are stacked together. Useful to have multiple stacks in the same plot 0
rename List of renaming operations Apply a set of renaming operations to all the histograms loaded from this file. It can be used for example to plot two different histograms from the same input file

Additional fields

Groups ('groups')

Legend ('legend')

Systematics configuration ('systematics')

Different types of systematic uncertainties are supported: shape, log-normal and constant.

Each shape uncertainty requires an up and down variated histogram. They are retrieved using its name, specified in the yml file as:

  - <systematic>
Or, equivalently:
  - <systematic>:
     type: shape
Based on this, plotIt will either look for two histograms called <nominal>__<systematic>[up|down], where <nominal> is the nominal histogram, in the file containing all the nominal histograms, or look for histograms called <nominal> in two files called <nominalFile>__<systematic>[up|down].root (where <nominalFile> is the file containing the nominal histograms for that process).

A constant systematic is just a rate uncertainty, which can specified either as:

  - <systematic>: <value>
or as:
  - <systematic>:
     type: const
     value: <value>
where <value> is the value with which the nominal histogram should be scaled up and down (by <value> and 2-<value>): e.g. with 1.025, the histograms are scaled by 1.025 and 0.975, i.e. by +/- 2.5%.

Any kind of systematics can be restricted to a subset of files by means of a regular expression:

  - <systematic>:
     type: shape
     on: 'ttbar'
will only apply the <systematic> on files containing ttbar.

When plotting, all uncertainties will be added in quadrature, assuming zero correlations between all of them.

Additional labels ('labels')

Each plot can be assigned a set of labels. A label is a custom string which can be positioned anywhere on the canvas. You can defined labels as follow:

  - {<label1>}
  - {<label2>}
Each label has the following fields:

Field Type Action Default
text string Text of the label. Support TLatex syntax (#splitline{}{} is especially useful for multi-line labels)
position Point Position of the label on the canvas
size number Font size of the label (in pixel) 18


    x-axis: "X axis"
    y-axis: "Y axis"
      - {text: 'Label', position: [0.7, 0.7]}
      - {text: 'Label 2', position: [0.3, 0.7]}


You can draw lines over a plot using the vertical-lines, horizontal-lines and lines plot options. Each option accepts an array of line. A line is defined:

  • By a number for vertical-lines and horizontal-lines. In this case, the number represents the x or y coordinate of the line (in plot axis units), and the line will span across all the plot.
  • By an array of 2 Points for lines, where the Points represent respectively the start point and the end point of the line.


in lines definition, you can use the special value .nan for a point coordinate. This value will automatically be replaced by the maximum or minimum of the x or y axis, depending on which place it's used.

In addition, styling can be applied to lines either globally in the configuration part, or individually for each line.

  • In global configuration, you can set the line-color, line-width and line-type options. This will affect all lines.
  • If you want to change the style individually, then you must convert the line definition into a map. The value key will hold the previous line definition (ie, either a number or an array of 2 Points), and you can set the line-color, line-width and line-type as you would do in the global configuration.

If you want a specific line to be drawn on the ratio instead of the main plot, you can set the pad option to bottom (it defaults to top).


    # Draw two vertical lines at x = 3 and x = 7. The first line is stylized individually and drawn on the ratio
      - {
          line-color: 10,
          line-type: 4,
          pad: bottom,
          value: 3
      - 7
    # Draw one horizontal line at y = 80
      - 80
    # Draw:
    # 1 line from (3, 20) -> (8, 90)
    # 1 vertical line at x = 5 (.nan is replaced automatically by the minimum and maximum of the y-axis)
      - [[3, 20], [8, 90]]
      - [[5, .nan], [5, .nan]]

Renaming operations

A renaming operation is defined in YAML as a dictionary with the keys from and to. from is a regular expression following the extended POSIX syntax. Any string matching this regular expression will be replaced by to. Matching groups are supported and can be accessed using the \N syntax, where N is the index of the matching group.

The rename option expect a list of operation. Renaming operations are applied in sequence, starting from the first occurrence.


            - from: '([[:alpha:]+)_cut$'
              to: '\1_nocut'

Parameters cheatsheets

Line styles

line styles from ROOT

Line widths

line widths from ROOT

Fill styles

fill styles from ROOT

Marker styles

marker styles from ROOT (1)

marker styles from ROOT (2)


ROOT basic colors

basic colors from ROOT

Full TColor wheel

hexadecimal (alpha)RGB overview